I am so happy you are here.

When was the last time you felt like your true self?



From the moment we come into the world, we are shaped into being who everyone else thinks we should be. We learn to abandon parts of ourselves to feel acceptance, love, worthiness, and safety.

I see you.

You are ready for something new. 

I hear you.

It's time to come home to yourself.

I honor you.

Sister, now is the time to reclaim your power and root into your sovereignty. 

I am here to walk beside you as you walk home to yourself.



Together, we will uncover your core wounds, recognize underlying themes, discover mental and emotional patterns, release long-held emotions, and give voice to your deepest desires.


You will learn the art of authenticity through speaking candidly, feeling your feelings all the way through, and truly loving yourself - because that, my sister, is how sustainable change is cultivated. 
We will work together to make sure you are receiving the support you have been seeking.

"Hannah-Grace holds such sacred space with her gentle loving presence. She is incredibly wise and intuitive. Working with Hannah-Grace allowed me to tap into my inner knowing, my wise woman within, and find all of the answers I was seeking."

Through us working together, you will...


  • Better understand yourself and your history
  • Come home into your body
  • Deepen emotional intelligence
  • Remember your true self
  • Root into your worthiness
  • Discover and align with your purpose
  • Uncover your core wounds and needs
  • Nurture and re-parent your inner child
  • Learn to navigate conflict with grace
  • Be resourced with the tools to cultivate authentic connections and relationships
  • Source love worth and safety from within
  • Recieve the tools to cultivate safety in yourself
  • Develop the capacity to speak your truth
  • Begin to share authentically
  • Discover your boundaries and non-negotiables
  • Expand your capacity to be with what is
  • Become a true ally to yourself
  • Anchor into self love

 "This program was like coming home to myself. Hannah Grace has created a magical container in which hierarchy and shame do not have any place. I am so grateful to her for her incredible strength and compassion, and her ability to authentically hold space for the bad, the unthinkable, and the ugly. Hannah Grace is a gift to this world, and to women everywhere who are ready to reclaim their power and after years of unknowingly giving it away, and to own their stories rather than be controlled by them."

Roxanne, former clinical therapist

Now is the moment to choose yourself.

1-1 Support Package:

  • 6 sessions of 1-1 support over 3 months: these are 90-minute calls over zoom
  • Access to my online portal which includes: video lessons, meditations, worksheets, journal prompts, and resources 
  • Private chat for correspondence and support in between sessions: this will be on the Signal app so we can voice memo and text 


payment plans available

Apply Here to Work Together

Give yourself the gift of support, resources, accountability, and intentional time to focus on yourself.

What women are saying...


My 1-1 sessions with Hannah Grace are so impactful because we work through real-life scenarios and she provides tools and ways to practice working through the tough stuff."


“Hannah Grace holds a safe and sacred container to show up exactly how you are while she intuitively guides you through a practice that you both see best fit for the most healing and empowerment in the present moment. The support and guidance I have received to fully embody my strength and resiliency has been a homecoming to my wholeness. Having 1:1 time with Hannah Grace to fully integrate the tools and wisdom I learned in her Reclamation course has undoubtedly been one of the best decisions I have made to tend to my inner child and her wounds. Since walking down this path with Hannah Grace as my guide and mentor I have a deep knowing that I am healing my ancestral line and the ripples that I will create as I stand resourced and embodied will be profound."


"Sharing personal stories has always been intimidating for me, especially in a group setting. Hannah Grace's unwavering ability to listen deeply and love unconditionally, allowed me to work through some intense trauma I have been carrying. It is truly inspiring to see someone living and sharing their absolute truth, and that in itself nourishes my spirit."
